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It's official. The long-feared and long-awaited proposed rule 41P has been finalized in a modified (and long, 248 page) form. It is now known as 41F, and it will bring some real changes to the way you buy and transfer NFA items. Surprisingly, the news is not all bad. It appears that the regulators took Continue Reading

Forming a Plan for What Happens Last

Author and entrepreneur Seth Godin has written 13 best-selling books that have been translated into 33 languages. His advice and insight are regularly quoted, and his work has become a staple in classrooms and college courses spanning multiple fields of study. In his ever-present eloquence, he recently made a blog post on that is Continue Reading

Divorce is tough at any age. It can be an emotional rollercoaster for everyone involved, and as most people know, it can wreak havoc on your finances as well. For those who divorce over the age of 50, however, the financial consequences can be even more severe – namely because of the effect the financial Continue Reading

Simplifying Estate Planning

When it comes to tackling complex problems, it’s easy to shy away from the responsibility. At a glance, looking at a large process like estate planning can be daunting to say the least, with so many steps and specifics to consider. Like any other major undertaking, though, we can ease the pressure by breaking down Continue Reading

10 Guiding Principles for Retirement

Long weekends and holidays give us a little sneak preview of what our eventual retirement just might be like. With that extra day or two, we get the slightest sense of life with the time to do whatever strikes our fancy! To have the retirement you want, though, you can’t just wander blindly into it Continue Reading

Estate Planning - It’s all about your Family

What would happen to your family if something happened to you tomorrow?

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